Verified Reviews
All reviews have been left by LekkeSlaap customers staying in Boland
Rated 4.6 out of 5 based on 3686 reviews.
"Stellenbosch was altyd 'n uitsonderlike plek, maar die verkeer maak dit moeilik en nie meer so lekker om te besoek nie. Die plek bars uit sy nate."
"Covid has most definitely affected this town's social experiences, however the places that you can still visit are still providing a good experience and the opportunity to again get the quality of the experience back to pre-Covid will emerge again I am sure. One of my favourite towns to spend a weekend."
"Altyd 'n lekker vibe, besige koffiewinkels en restaurante tot op die sypaadjies, net soos in Europa! Ek geniet Stellies en oorweeg om my daar te gaan vestig."
"Pragtige dorp in die Boland se wynstreek en toegangsroete tot heelwat ander dorpe soos Wellington, Franschhoek, Stellenbosch, Durbanville."
"Fantastiese bestemming as jy al die lekkerste dinge in die lewe op een plek wil geniet - fantastiese wynplase, fynproewer-restaurante, kunsgalerye en beeldhouwerke van wêreldgehalte-kunstenaars, asemrowende natuurskoon en die vriendelikste mense. Die motormuseum en wyntrem is uniek en beslis die uitgawe werd."
"Fairview en Spice Route is lekker naby. Hier is ook ontelbaar ander wonderlike plekke om te besoek. Een naweek is te min."
"Het die museum op Kleinplasie baie geniet en bly om te sien hulle is besig met opknappingswerk. Sal dit weer oor twee jaar besoek."
"A very interesting town with lots to do, especially if you are an active, outdoor person."
"Tulbagh is redelik naby Kaapstad met baie interessante plekke om te besoek."
"Wellington is a beautiful town with a rich history. There is a lovely historical walking tour that you can do and many wine farms nearby. Wellington is also near to Paarl and we went to the Freedom Market on Sunday, which has a variety of beautiful handmade items and delicious food!"