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Durban North

Al die resensies is deur LekkeSlaap-gaste geskryf wat in Durban North bespreek het

Hierdie plek het 'n gemiddeld van 4.5 uit 5 gekry volgens 38 resensies.

La Lucia, Durban Noord

Annie's Self Catering

"Nie baie verkeer in vergelyking met Gauteng nie. Padgebruikers ook bedagsaam."

La Lucia, Durban Noord

Annie's Self Catering

"La Lucia is ideally located on the north coast in close proximity to many attractions. It is ideal if you want a quite and relaxing stay but close enough to go to the beach during the day or enjoy the night life on the beach front."

Broadway, Durban Noord

The Studio on Balmoral

"Broadway is nice and quiet suburb. Close to all the restaurants and shops."

La Lucia, Durban Noord

Villa Shells

"Is a quiet and restful place and not complicated to reach. The staff was very helpful, welcoming, friendly and pleasant and ready to walk an extra mile with us."

Virginia, Durban Noord

Boma Lodge

"Goeie omgewing. Lekker eetplekke en naby genoeg aan die meeste toeriste aantreklikhede."

Durban Noord

Centre Court B&B

"Durban North is nice but expensive. "

Durban Noord

Centre Court B&B

"Definitief 'n opsie om ernstig te oorweeg."

Umgeni Park, Durban Noord

Collards B&B

"Some construction nearby but fairly central."

La Lucia, Durban Noord

Annie's Self Catering

"Baie naby aan Durban en baie mooi strande met voetslaanpaaie waar mens baie lekker kan stap."

Durban Noord

Centre Court B&B

"Very close to major routes."

Virginia, Durban Noord

Virginia Forest Lodge

"Thank you Elsabe for your service. Wonderful hospitality."

La Lucia, Durban Noord

Annie's Self Catering

"Veiligste en mooiste plek naby Durban."

La Lucia, Durban Noord

Annie's Self Catering

"Ek het regtig net oorgeslaap. Was vinnig by La Lucia Mall om iets te koop. Dit was baie naby en het alles gehad wat ek gesoek het."

La Lucia, Durban Noord

Annie's Self Catering

"Baie many die groot mall."

Glen Ashley, Durban Noord

La Lucia BnB

"Ver van die strand af, maar geen probleem vir besigheidsdoeleindes."

Umgeni Park, Durban Noord

Collards B&B

"Ver van strande, maar baie rustig."

Umgeni Park, Durban Noord

Collards B&B

"This place for is visitors who do not know Durban."

Virginia, Durban Noord

Boma Lodge

"Nie veel om in Virginia te doen nie, maar gelukkig baie in die omgewing. "

Umgeni Park, Durban Noord

Collards B&B

"People are great, the stay was great. Breakfast was delicious and that view!"

Virginia, Durban Noord

Virginia Forest Lodge

"Scenic area close to major attractions."

La Lucia, Durban Noord

Annie's Self Catering

"Skoon, netjies, rustig en naby alles."

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