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ISimangaliso Wetland Park

All reviews have been left by LekkeSlaap customers staying in ISimangaliso Wetland Park

Rated 4.6 out of 5 based on 635 reviews.

St Lucia Estuary, ISimangaliso Wetland Park

Perna Perna St Lucia

"Die deel is volgens ons een van ons land se kosbaarste dele, bewaar asseblief die gebied ons wil weer kom. Dit is 'n moet vir iemand wat die natuur in sy ongerepte vorm wil sien en geniet."

St Lucia Estuary, ISimangaliso Wetland Park

Flamboyant 10

"Dink dit is 'n baie rustige toerisme dorpie."

St Lucia Estuary, ISimangaliso Wetland Park

Flamboyant 10

"Fantasties. Cape Vidal is die beste en moet nie die ski boot club vergeet nie. Die lekkerste pizza wat ek nog geëet het, lamb curry pizza met sambals!"

St Lucia Estuary, ISimangaliso Wetland Park

Flamboyant 17

"Oulike dorp met netjiese, skoon omgewing, goeie besighede, veral die Goue Piesang Box. Lekker eetplekke met goeie diens. Kan lekker rus en die omgewing geniet."

St Lucia Estuary, ISimangaliso Wetland Park

Flamboyant 7

"Dorpenaars is baie positief oor hul dorp."

St Lucia Estuary, ISimangaliso Wetland Park

Perna Perna St Lucia

"Daar is geen wegneem eetplekke soos KFC, Mcdonalds ens. nie."

St Lucia Estuary, ISimangaliso Wetland Park

Flamboyant 17

"Ons het die see en strande elke dag geniet, dit was skoon en was glad nie oorvol nie. Ons sou graag meer van die Estuary wou sien, maar toegang is beperk a.g.v. riete en dit kan slegs gesien word deur op 'n bootrit te gaan."

St Lucia Estuary, ISimangaliso Wetland Park

Villa Mia 15

"Oor langnaweek, baie besig, gewilde strande baie vol, vol mense, maar gaan na Capevidal toe. Winkels in hoofstraat baie duur maar daar's 'n plek Banana Box wat alles verkoop en sy pryse is goed, vriendelik veilig en aangenaam."

St Lucia Estuary, ISimangaliso Wetland Park

Stone Ridge Luxury Self-Catering Units

"Net die swemstrand is probleem vir klein kinders, darem baie gevaarlike see."

St Lucia Estuary, ISimangaliso Wetland Park

Stone Ridge Luxury Self-Catering Units

"All the parks in the area makes for a good holiday. Swimming in the sea and checking out wildlife. What a life."

St Lucia Estuary, ISimangaliso Wetland Park

Flamboyant 17

"Ekt gedink Kaapstad of Kruger is cool. But this is a bucketlist number 1."

St Lucia Estuary, ISimangaliso Wetland Park

Flamboyant 7

"St. Lucia Estatuary self is fantasties, aangesien ek voorheen daar tuis was."

St Lucia Estuary, ISimangaliso Wetland Park

Flamboyant 10

"Een van die mees ontspanne plek op die hele Suid Afrika en almal is vriendelik en behulpsaam."

St Lucia Estuary, ISimangaliso Wetland Park

Shonalanga Lodge

"Have so many fond memories as a child, love the place!"

St Lucia Estuary, ISimangaliso Wetland Park

Stone Ridge Luxury Self-Catering Units

"Superb scenery, great experience, so many place to see and the wildlife is amazing."

St Lucia Estuary, ISimangaliso Wetland Park

Villa Mia 7

"My favourite holiday destination."

St Lucia Estuary, ISimangaliso Wetland Park

Flamboyant 10

"We were very disappointed by the state of the town. Very run down, and the estuary is a huge disappointment for a fishing visit. The roads to the estuary are also all in quite a state with big holes. Pity as we were so looking forward to our holiday there."

St Lucia Estuary, ISimangaliso Wetland Park

Stone Ridge Luxury Self-Catering Units

"Daar was minder wild en voëllewe as wat ek verwag het. Die snorkel in die see was 'n belewenis."

St Lucia Estuary, ISimangaliso Wetland Park

Stone Ridge Luxury Self-Catering Units

"St Lucia is ons klein stukkie hemel in Suid-Afrika, ongelooflike mooi plek!"

St Lucia Estuary, ISimangaliso Wetland Park

Stone Ridge Luxury Self-Catering Units

"Baie aanvaarbaar as toeristebestemming. Heelwat besienswaardighede, voldoende besighede en restaurante. "

St Lucia Estuary, ISimangaliso Wetland Park

Flamboyant 10

"Prachtige plek veel dingen te doen in de Wetlands."

St Lucia Estuary, ISimangaliso Wetland Park

Villa Mia 7

"'n Fantastiese plek vir voëlkykers."

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