Geverifieerde Resensie
Al die resensies is deur LekkeSlaap-gaste geskryf wat in Karoo bespreek het
Hierdie plek het 'n gemiddeld van 4.2 uit 5 gekry volgens 11903 resensies.
"Beautiful quirky town with historial significance and lots of interesting places to visit. Absolute recommend to anyone in a heartbeat. Only one negative, the road at the top of the pass, a mere 2 km from town, towards Doornberg and other farms had a garbage dump located there with plastic strewn far and wide across the craggy mountainside and across the stunning vistas. Bear in mind that unless you are a tourist specifically travelling out that way, you wouldn't know about this. Could be managed better by the town."
"Sal dit weer besoek. Baie om te sien en te doen en 'n dorpie met baie karakter en gawe mense."
"Beautiful and interesting town. The NG church is magnificent. The Owl House is definitely worth a visit, as well as the Kitching Fossil Centre. The restaurants are lovely and the brewery also worth a visit. Friendly people, very quaint and picturesque town. Would love to go back for longer next time"
"Dorpie is klein, so nie seker of daar veel is om te doen nie, maar die uitsig is pragtig."
"Besoek gerus die Vet Muis restaurant. Hulle het ons toegelaat om ons honde in the bring en die kos was baie lekker."
"Soos elke ander klein plattelandse dorpie in Suid-Afrika sukkel Philippolis met diensverskaffing, maar dit skrik nie dié klompie hardwerkende, vriendelike mense af om hulle dorpie sélf te onderhou nie. Welgedaan."
"It's a pretty town and the national park nearby is great. Water problems and load reduction on top of loadshedding can be heavy, though so I'd suggest checking what that will mean before you go."
"Definitely only a town we would pass through, not stay to visit. That being said, the Karoo National Park is a stunning destination."
"Daar is te min om te doen by Gariepdam en 'n besige gesin sal dit vervelig vind. Gariepdam is ver van voldoende inkopiebedrywighede. Ons gesin vind dit goed vir 'n halfpad stop en oorslaap op pad na Wes-, Suid- en Oos-Kaap."
"Soos meeste van die dorpies is dit maar klein en kom verwaarloos voor - kan nie die water drink nie, paaie is swak ens. Ons het nie kans gehad om besienswaardighede te besoek nie, want dit was 'n vakansiedag."