Geverifieerde Resensie
Al die resensies is deur LekkeSlaap-gaste geskryf wat in Zululand bespreek het
Hierdie plek het 'n gemiddeld van 4.4 uit 5 gekry volgens 1081 resensies.
"Mooi, skoon dorp, ons het altyd veilig gevoel. SANParke is goed verteenwoordig en die beamptes is behulpsaam en beleefd. Ons het in 'n nie-tradisionele toeristetyd besoek (midweek buite seisoen) terwyl die haainette gelig is, gelukkig is swem in die see nie hoog op ons aktiwiteitslys nie. Daar was oor as genoeg te sien en te doen."
"St Lucia is pleasant enough with beautiful sand beaches. Most of the facilities seem a bit run-down though."
"Ons love St Lucia, dis vir seker my gunsteling vakansiebestemming."
"Sodwana Bay is an awesome area. It is great for snorkeling and you'll have a really relaxed time there."
"Really lovely friendly town with amazing wildlife and birding and lovely restaurants."
"Ons gaan al na St. Lucia elke jaar van 2009 en in die laaste 3 jaar het ons net deteriorasie gesien, dit breek ons harte. Die mond is toe, mens kan nie meer op die boardwalk gaan loop nie, die strand by die kasarinabome is toe. Baie hartseer. "
"Lieflike dorp met 'n verskeidenheid restaurante en winkels. Die seekoeie wat kom kuier het in die aande was 'n bonus!"
"St. Lucia is absoluut 'n toeristeparadys met baie aktiwiteite in en om die dorp. Sal dit definitief aanbeveel vir enige iemand wat 'n wegbreek wil geniet."
"Vat saam wat jy nodig het want die winkels is vreeslik besig. Dis 'n pragtige plek."
"The control of "no alcohol" on the beach needs attention. There were plenty of patrollers, but they did nothing about drunk locals on the beach and the drunken very loud music parties that occur every day in the public parking area, which seems to have been turned into the local party spot, with plenty of alcohol flowing. Made us feel it is not safe to park your vehicle there in spite of the drunk "guard". The parking area is littered with rubbish, empty alcohol bottles and broken glass and is extremely unpleasant, which is ample evidence of what is occurring there. It is a parking area, not a party venue. I made a complaint to the policemen on duty at the boom gate about the drunks on the beach, one so drunk she could not even stand or crawl. The public toilets were also in a disgusting state, dirty and in need of repair, the cleaner simply standing around outside socialising."
"Strand baie vuil gewees, badkamers op strand regtig nie op standaard nie, baie plekkies wat toegemaak het, maar dit seker agv Covid."