Dower Cottage
Kliek op enige tarief om 'n meer volledige prysberekening te sien.
Ekstra Fooie
Buiten die tariewe in die bostaande tabel hef die eiendom ook 'n eenmalige R350 skoonmaakfooi per bespreking.
Geniet afslag met hierdie spesiale aanbiedinge!
Ontdek uitstaande waarde met ons reeks spesiale aanbiedinge wat by hierdie eiendom beskikbaar is. *
Kry 15% af vir verblyf wat 7 nagte of langer is. Hierdie aanbod is altyd geldig.
Prys sluit in
- Rates displayed are on a self-catering basis.
Guests are required to follow all house rules and instructions from the property manager.
The property is child-friendly, but guests are responsible for their children's safety.
Eating or drinking in bedrooms is not permitted.
Illegal substances are strictly prohibited.
Guests are responsible for keys/remotes; replacement fees apply if lost.
Smoking, vaping, and open flames are prohibited on the property.
Parties and large gatherings are not allowed.
Noise must be kept to a minimum between 22:00 PM. and 07:00 AM to respect neighbours.
Excessive noise may result in eviction and additional charges.
Only registered guests are allowed to stay overnight.
A maximum of 4 visitors is permitted at a time, and they must adhere to house rules.
Doors and windows should be locked when leaving the property.
Turn off lights, air conditioning, and electronics when not in use.
Do not leave air conditioning or heating on when away.
Non-essential appliances should be turned off before bedtime.
Any damages or breakages must be reported promptly. Guests may be charged for replacements.
Furniture must not be moved without prior permission.
Failure to follow these rules may result in additional cleaning fees, eviction, and forfeiture of rent paid.
Kansellasiebeleid - Matig
Meer as 1 maand voor die inkloktyd | 100%van die deposito word terugbetaal |
Meer as 1 week voor die inkloktyd | 50%van die deposito word terugbetaal |
Minder as 1 week voor die inkloktyd | 0%van die deposito word terugbetaal |
- Kapasiteit: 4 mense
- Alle ouderdomme is welkom
Inkloktyd: 15:00 tot 17:00
Uitkloktyd: 10:00 - Adres: Soetdoringsingel 7, Edenvale, 1609, Gauteng
Welkom by LekkeSlaap
Welkom terug!
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