Kudus Crest Bush Retreat
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Kry 10% af - Slegs vir LekkeSlaap Rewards Vlak 1-lede. Hierdie aanbod is altyd beskikbaar.
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- Selfsorg
Please note that we do not accept cash on arrival.
All reservation fees, cleaning fees, and the refundable security deposit should be paid in full a minimum of 14 days before arrival.
Daily servicing of the unit is excluded but can be requested at a rate of R350.00 per day. This service includes washing dishes, making of beds, cleaning of BBQ and cleaning of the pool.
Payment for daily servicing can only be done via direct Electronic Transfer into our bank account and has to be paid in full 1 week before arrival.
Should the cleaning crew be denied entry or if they cannot gain entry to the property, the fees remain payable. No refunds will be considered.
Please take special note of the following:
By paying the deposit you acknowledge that you accept this quote and agree that the owners and/or his agents may, at their sole discretion and after informing you thereof, withhold some or all of your security deposit. Examples of events where the owner and/or his agent may elect to exercise their right to withhold some or all your security deposit are as follows:
• If you leave the property in a state other than what you found it in, we may withhold an amount of up to R500.00;
• If any bedding and/or towels are missing, excessively dirty and/or damaged, we may withhold an amount of up to R500.00 per item;
• If there is any damage to the leather couches or beds or if you move any furniture from the rooms in which it has been placed without prior consent from the owner, we may withhold your full security deposit;
• If you damage, remove and/or break any equipment (e.g. TV, Microwave, DSTV Decoder, stove, oven, etc.), we may withhold your full security deposit;
• If you lose a key(s) or the security remote, if you remove and/or damage any gas bottles, rechargeable lights, coolers, remote controls (e.g. for TV, DSTV, Decoder and/or Air conditioners), decorations, photos and/or their frames, boma and/or other equipment we may withhold an amount of up to R500.00 per item;
• If an excessive amount of cutlery and/or crockery is missing, damaged and/or broken, we may withhold an amount of up to R50.00 per item;
• If you leave the property without arming the alarm and/or closing all the windows and/or locking any doors, we may withhold an amount of up to R500.00 per occurrence;
• If you fail to dispose of rubbish at the dumping points at the gates, we may withhold an amount of R150.00 per bag (full or otherwise);
• If you smoke and/or vape in the property, we may withhold an amount of up to R500.00 per occurrence;
• If you vacate the property at a time later than the standard check-out time of 09h00 on the date of departure without prior agreement by the owner, we may withhold an amount of R250.00 per hour (or any part thereof);
• If you are fined and/or given a warning for breaking any of the rules of Marloth Park, if the owner and his agent receive any complaints from occupants and/or owners of other properties in Marloth Park, we may withhold your full security deposit and you may be required to vacate the property immediately;
• If you obstruct, restrict or prevent access to the property when requested to do so, if you interfere with attempts by the owner and/or agents when they attempt to gain access and/or if more guests are hosted at the property than what has been booked for, we may withhold your full security deposit and you may be required to vacate the property immediately;
In general, we prefer to resolve matters amicably and have the proud history of not having to enforce any of the above and we hope to keep doing so. The essence of the above is about respecting those around you, their property and enjoying the beauty, peace, and tranquillity that nature offers.
Kansellasiebeleid - Matig
Meer as 1 maand voor die inkloktyd | 100%van die deposito word terugbetaal |
Meer as 1 week voor die inkloktyd | 50%van die deposito word terugbetaal |
Minder as 1 week voor die inkloktyd | 0%van die deposito word terugbetaal |
- Kapasiteit: 6 persone
- Alle ouderdomme is welkom
Inkloktyd: 14:00 tot 19:00
Uitkloktyd: 09:00 - Adres: Berghaanstraat 3192, Marlothpark, 1321, Mpumalanga
Welkom by LekkeSlaap
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