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Tuscan Breeze Villa


Kliek op enige tarief om 'n meer volledige prysberekening te sien.

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In the event of premature departure, the full extent of the stay as originally booked and confirmed will be charged. Refunds are at the discretion of management and dependent on the ability to re-let room.
The guest accepts responsibility for any loss or damage to the property caused by themselves, their guests, or any person they are responsible for. Such damages will be charged to the guest's credit card, which they authorize us to use.
Strictly no smoking indoors.
No playing of loud music, parties, or extraordinarily loud noise of any kind is permitted inside or outside the property.
Facilities are for guests of Tuscan Breeze Villa only.
Visitors must be announced at all times and are not permitted to stay overnight unless they book in as all other guests do pay the respective fees, and provide their ID documents.

Meer as 1 maand voor die inkloktyd 50%van die deposito word terugbetaal
Meer as 2 weke voor die inkloktyd 25%van die deposito word terugbetaal
Minder as 2 weke voor die inkloktyd 0%van die deposito word terugbetaal
Vanaf R 5 400
per nag (plek vir 6)
R 5 400
per nag (plek vir 6)
Maak 'n Bespreking
  • Kapasiteit: 6 persone
    4 volwassenes, 2 kinders
  • Alle ouderdomme is welkom
  • Inkloktyd: 15:00 tot 19:00
    Uitkloktyd: 11:00
  • Adres: Theresa-laan 35, Bakoven, Kampsbaai, 8005, Wes-Kaap
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAA44363bacbf63211d0b0de58c7add68160081881e6ede84f9937e40f744c4dc34430bc280a4d342732fc7994ce9ace51fa9d3?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 Vanaf R5 400 per nag (plek vir 6) 35 Theresa Avenue Bakoven 8005 Wes-Kaap 021 201 8901 15:00-19:00 11:00 -33.963787634937 18.383388627995

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