Charles James Hospital
Charles James Hospital, a specialist public hospital operated by the KwaZulu Natal Health Department, is situated in Ezimbokodweni, KwaZulu Natal. The hospital was established in 1966 as a SANTA Centre. In July 2005, the Centre was incorporated into the Department of Health. The hospital admits male and female TB adult patients.
The hospital is situated 6 Sompukane Road, Ezimbokodweni, KwaZulu Natal. Nearby main roads are the N2 highway and the R603. The nearest major town is Amanzimtoti, situated 6km to the South.
Charles James Hospital is a provincial hospital, therefore services are free to pregnant and breastfeeding women as well as children under the age of six years old. Other citizens are charged according to a sliding scale depending on their income.
- Clinical Management of HIV, AIDS STI’s and TB ( HAST)
- A laboratory for screening of sputum smears for AFB.
- Health education for TB patients, families, staff and communities
- VCT Services
- Anti Retroviral treatment offered on site

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