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ISimangaliso Wetland Park

St Lucia, KwaZulu-Natal
Contact Details Email Visit Website +27355901633


iSimangaliso Wetland Park, previously known as Greater St Lucia Wetland Park, is the 3rd largest animal reserve in South Africa, located along the east coast of KwaZulu-Natal. The park was declared a world heritage site due to its rich biodiversity, unique ecosystems, and exceptional natural beauty in such a small area.

As the name implies, this park is focused mostly on the wetland and water birds that are preserved here, but the park also encompasses a number of other domains, including grasslands, bush veld, sand forests, palm groves, and mountains. The coastal region also protects a coral reef, forest, many rock pools, and the ocean itself.

The reserve supports a variety of fauna and flora, including Nile crocodile, hippo, black and white rhino, elephant, buffalo, giraffe, waterbuck, kudu, nyala, impala, duiker, reedbuck, and more. Swimming is forbidden due to presence of crocodiles but other recreational activities are available, such as reef diving, hiking, fishing, canoeing, and boat cruises on Lake St Lucia.

The reserve is made up of around 3,280km² of natural ecosystems, including:

  • Lake St Lucia
  • St Lucia Game Reserve
  • False Bay Park
  • Lake Etrza Nature Reserve
  • Kosi Bay
  • Lake Sibhayi
  • St Lucia Marine Reserve
  • St Lucia Marine Sanctuary
  • Mapelane Nature Reserve
  • Maputaland Marine Reserve
  • Cape Vidal
  • Ozabeni
  • Mfabeni
  • Tewate Wilderness Area
  • Mkuze Game Reserve


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