Verified Reviews
All reviews have been left by LekkeSlaap customers staying in Clarens
Rated 4.7 out of 5 based on 3187 reviews.
"'n Pragtige plekkie met uitsonderlike restaurante. "Treat" restaurant doen reg aan sy naam, een van die heel bestes. Stukkie hemel!"
"Very beautiful views, a lot of restaurants and gift shops. Not much to do beyond that in town. More activities around/outside of the town. Some people walk with their dogs without a leash in town and on walking/hiking routes. This is a tourist attraction, so expect to pay tourist rates at the restaurants and gift shops."
"Clarens is an amazing small town with a lot to do in terms of hiking and the shops in town are great if you enjoy arts and culture."
"Interessante dorp met genoeg te doen vir toeriste: staproetes, groot aantal oornagverblyfplekke, verskeidenheid van restaurante, baie snuffelwinkels, en kunsgalerye. Sommige paaie in die dorp benodig opknapping en/of herstelwerk. Soos die gesegde gaan: you never get a second chance to make a first impression."
"Baie lekker dorp en vir enige natuurliefhebber 'n lekker plek om te gaan stap."
"Always a joy to wonder around this little village. Even on a long weekend, it was vibey and friendly."
"Mal oor Clarens en omgewing, naby genoeg vir 'n naweek weg vanuit Gauteng en die area bied baie om te doen en heelwat besienswaardighede."