Verified Reviews
Eastern Cape
All reviews have been left by LekkeSlaap customers staying in Eastern Cape
Rated 4.4 out of 5 based on 6756 reviews.
"Middelburg is bloot 'n gerieflike oorslaapplek vir ons op pad terug omdat die afstand huistoe die volgende dag heeltemal rybaar is. Ons het selde die geleentheid om die dorp of omgewing te verken op pad huistoe. Die oornagverblyf moet bloot funksioneel wees vir ons. Ons het ook baie moeilik 'n oop restaurant 7 uur die aand gekry en het by die een waar ons wel gekom het, amper 2 ure gewag vir ons bestelling (wat 'n doodgewone geroosterde toebroodjie en 'n hamburger was). Ons was nie die enigste gaste wat ontsteld was oor die swak bediening nie. As ons nie beter oornagverblyf in die toekoms in Middelburg kan kry nie, sal ons nie weer daar oorslaap nie."
"Pragtige Karoo-dorpie met behoorlike bekoring en geskiedenis. Die omliggende area is net so pragtig met heelwat dinge om te doen en te sien."
"The gem of the Karoo. People don't know what they are missing when they only use the town as a stopover."
Gqeberha (Port Elizabeth), Eastern Cape
Walmer Manor Guest House"Lovely city with warm, friendly and fun people."
"It's a great destination. However, if visiting for a few nights, can imagine a lot of frustrated guests who could not get a dinner reservation as these need to be done long in advance."
"Sadly, Steynsburg has allowed itself to become dilapidated, unlike other Karoo dorpies."
"A really rich visit, with so much more to learn and experience than just the owl house. Really worth spending a few days exploring each little thing the village and surroundings offer. It is not that well advertised, so hoping to help people know about this part of the village. The Karoo Experience tasting menu at Stirlings restaurant is an absolute must; a real flavour sensation, and is very reasonably priced. Also, Antie Evelyne's restaurant in the township (find her details online to make a booking) offers a really hearty evening meal - in an impoverished township, go ahead and support existing economic activity, and enjoy a really hearty meal and good conversation with Antie Evelyne in the process!"