Verified Reviews
North Coast
All reviews have been left by LekkeSlaap customers staying in North Coast
Rated 4.5 out of 5 based on 3232 reviews.
"Superb scenery, great experience, so many place to see and the wildlife is amazing."
"Die area is besig om te groei met baie werk en konstruksie wat gedoen word in die omliggende areas. Dit beteken dat daar toekomstige voor uitgang is vir die area."
"Ons het twee eetplekke besoek en albei was besonders. Nikos & Eat Local. Kan dit aanbeveel!"
"We were very disappointed by the state of the town. Very run down, and the estuary is a huge disappointment for a fishing visit. The roads to the estuary are also all in quite a state with big holes. Pity as we were so looking forward to our holiday there."
"Daar was minder wild en voëllewe as wat ek verwag het. Die snorkel in die see was 'n belewenis."
"St Lucia is ons klein stukkie hemel in Suid-Afrika, ongelooflike mooi plek!"
"Baie aanvaarbaar as toeristebestemming. Heelwat besienswaardighede, voldoende besighede en restaurante. "
"Great location to completely relax. Quite a few excellent restaurants. Lovely beaches, great swimming. Close to the airport. "
"In terms of a tourist attraction there isn't much to do or see but definitely worth it for a quiet and peaceful holiday escape."
"Balito het nie die lekkerste strand nie, maar daar is Unhloti strand naby wat 'n lekker oop strand is."
"It was our first visit to Ballito and found it very relaxing and not too busy. There is also a very nice shopping mall with restaurants and movie theatre."
"Ballitto is amazing, lots to offer. People should go experience Balitto."