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Sunshine Coast

Al die resensies is deur LekkeSlaap-gaste geskryf wat in Sunshine Coast bespreek het

Hierdie plek het 'n gemiddeld van 4.5 uit 5 gekry volgens 2763 resensies.

Kenton-on-Sea, Sonskynkus

Paulyn Place

"Lieflike dorp. Strate is in 'n haglike toestand wat afbreuk doen aan die mooi dorp."

Port Alfred, Sonskynkus

Sea Valley Villa

"Lovely place to visit."

Jeffreysbaai, Sonskynkus

Waterkant 2

"Lekker kos. Baie lekker dorpie vir ontspan en visvang. Sal weer soontoe gaan in die somer. Jammer oor die Covid19."

Jeffreysbaai, Sonskynkus

Avalon 3

"Love this place so much I bought property while I visited!"

St. Francis, Sonskynkus

Milkwood Way

"Eastern Cape roads are in a sad state. A lovely little town, people in general are very friendly and helpful, we had a pleasant stay. Very nice Italian restaurant on the main street. "

Jeffreysbaai, Sonskynkus

6 Kingston Place

"Baie pragtige plek met baie om te sien."

Jeffreysbaai, Sonskynkus

Dio Dell 'Amore

"Hierdie kusdorp is pragtig versorg en skoon!"

Jeffreysbaai, Sonskynkus

Dio Dell 'Amore

"Lekker surferdorpie."

Makhanda (Grahamstad), Sonskynkus


"Toestand van teerpaaie 'n probleem."

Jeffreysbaai, Sonskynkus

Albatross Beach Guest House - Barbiers Bliss

"'n Gunsteling-bestemming vir ons gesin met 3 klein kinders."

Jeffreysbaai, Sonskynkus


"Love die plek."

Jeffreysbaai, Sonskynkus

Surfpoint 9

"Die Jeffreysbaaiers is baie vriendelik en lief vir hul honde!"

Jeffreysbaai, Sonskynkus


"Ek love Jeffreysbaai - enige plek waar ek naby die see is. Die beach is my happy place, away from home."

Port Alfred, Sonskynkus

Bretton Beach Crest Holiday Cottages

"Lovely empty beaches and the sea was warm enough to swim in winter."

St. Francis, Sonskynkus

7 Seal Point Apartment

"Quiet, safe, accommodating, above all very romantic"

Gqeberha (Port Elizabeth), Sonskynkus

Cassia Self Catering

"Thanks for the great experiance."

Jeffreysbaai, Sonskynkus

Dio Dell 'Amore

"Wonderful place to enjoy a perfect family holiday. We didn't drive to a lot of places because what I needed was just in front of me. The restaurants we visited, the food was exquisite. Thank you."

Jeffreysbaai, Sonskynkus

Oceanview 1 Flat

"Wonderlike plek om vakansie te hou."

Jeffreysbaai, Sonskynkus

At Home on the Beach

"Heerlike kos by Vismandjie, Kospot en Gisters Koffie Shop! Goeie waarde vir geld en die beste vis en calamari in die land!"

Gqeberha (Port Elizabeth), Sonskynkus

Cassia Self Catering

"Dit was 'n sonnige dag sonder wind en ons het lekker geswem in die see."

Jeffreysbaai, Sonskynkus

The Astons No. 3

"Dit was ons derde vakansie in Jeffreys en vir seker nie die laaste nie."

Gqeberha (Port Elizabeth), Sonskynkus

Wild Break Self Catering

"Road maintenance a big concern. Climate and nature sightings are excellent. I would like to visit in December."

Jeffreysbaai, Sonskynkus

Surfpoint 9

"Een van ons heerlikste en gunsteling-plekke om te besoek."

Jeffreysbaai, Sonskynkus

Avalon 3

"Alles voel so binne loopafstand. Die mooiste strand en atmosfeer."

Port Alfred, Sonskynkus

Villa Majestic for Exclusive Accommodation

"Pragtige dorp met ongelukkig 'n groot waterprobleem."

Hankey, Sonskynkus


"Baie sentraal tussen Loerie en Patensie, wag in spanning vir Sarah Baartman Remembrace-sentrum om oop te maak."

Boesmansriviermond, Sonskynkus


"Pragtige plek waar familie en vriende heerlik kan rus en kuier."

Blad 43 - Wys 1261 tot 1290
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