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Geverifieerde Resensie

Champagne Valley

Al die resensies is deur LekkeSlaap-gaste geskryf wat in Champagne Valley bespreek het

Hierdie plek het 'n gemiddeld van 4.8 uit 5 gekry volgens 204 resensies.

Champagne Vallei

Pumula Central Drakensberg

"Will definitely come back."

Champagne Vallei

Sandy's Cabins

"Ons is absoluut mal oor die natuur en skoonheid van Champagne Vallei. Daar is soveel om te sien en te doen veral die stap roetes. Ons sal beslis enige iemand aan raai wat die Drakensberge wil verken om Champagne Vallei toe te gaan. Wonderlik, puik, uitstekend. "

Champagne Vallei

Dragon Peaks Mountain Resort

"Daar is baie aktiwiteite wat gedoen kan word in die omgewing. Die Canopy Tours was 'n belewenis gewees."

Champagne Vallei

Sandy's Cabins

"Champagne Valley is absolutely beautiful with great scenery and lovely hiking. Great attractions and activities. Definitely more vacations to come."

Champagne Vallei

Berghaven Cottages

"Peaceful and beautiful place to visit for a relaxing break away."

Champagne Vallei

Bell Park Self-catering

"Asemrowende omgewing."

Champagne Vallei

Dragon Peaks Mountain Resort

"Will go back as it is paradise, and highly recommend a walk through the Monks Cowl reserve next to Champagne Castle resort. Also fund the activities too expensive to participate in any. Would have loved to do the scooter tour, or go horse riding. Just too expensive for the average South African."

Champagne Vallei

Inkunzi Cave

"'n Besoek aan die Drakensberg Brewing Company is 'n moet vir boetiek bier-liefhebbers."

Champagne Vallei

Dragon Peaks Mountain Resort

"Was so amazing! Volgende keer wil ons in die somer kom."

Champagne Vallei

Bell Park Self-catering

"Beautiful scenery! Surprises all over."

Champagne Vallei

Pumula Central Drakensberg

"There is lots to do, even though we as a family chose not to partake in most of them. The places nearby are Falcon Ridge - Birds of Prey Center, Dragon Rock Reptile and Nature Park, mountain biking, Canopy Zipline, hiking, helicopter rides, etc. One of the highlights for us was attending the Drakensberg Boys Choir Concert."

Champagne Vallei

Swallowfield Rondavels

"Great walks from Monks Cowl and Champagne Valley. Scenic and lots to go stop and see."

Champagne Vallei

Bell Park Self-catering

"So baie om te doen, te eet, te drink te ervaar!"

Champagne Vallei

Sandy's Cabins

"The best spot in the berg."

Champagne Vallei

Drakensberg House

"Perfect location for sightseeing and relaxation."

Champagne Vallei

Clivia Hill Guest Cottage

"If you love the mountains, openness and tranquillity, then it's the place to visit."

Champagne Vallei

Hill Billy's Self-Catering Accommodation - Unit 1

"'n Stukkie hemel. Werklik besonderse plekkie wat tot in die diepste van my wese gespreek het. "

Champagne Vallei

L'Chiam Cottage

"A must see, a little piece of heaven."

Champagne Vallei

Lakeview Cottage in Drakensberg

"Ons besoek Champagne Vallei al lank en sal altyd bly teruggaan."

Champagne Vallei

Dragon Peaks Mountain Resort

"Fantastiese omgewing. Vriendelike, hulpvaardige mense."

Champagne Vallei

Adel Cottage

"Baie mooi area. Ingestel op toerisme, maar alternatiewe wat meer plaaslike winkels insluit ook beskikbaar. Park bied veilige staproetes in berge. Baie avontuurlike aktiwiteite beskikbaar, baie naby. Heerlike forel, heuning en brood oral te koop."

Champagne Vallei

Champagne Sports Resort

"Off season prices should be lower."

Champagne Vallei

Berghaven Cottages

"Asemrowende mooi deel van ons land en baie om te doen vir vakansiegangers. "

Blad 4 - Wys 91 tot 120

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