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Hibiscus Coast

All reviews have been left by LekkeSlaap customers staying in Hibiscus Coast

Rated 4.3 out of 5 based on 1770 reviews.

Margate, Hibiscus Coast

Sea Breeze Beach House

"Margate is an excellent holiday destination."

Port Shepstone, Hibiscus Coast

Pumula Beach Hotel

"Port Shepstone is okay. It's the other little places around Port Shepstone that makes the South Coast."

Margate, Hibiscus Coast

Surf Bay Sands 76

"Margate is an amazing destination and I have been there on a holiday quite a few times and it's my preferred destination."

Port Shepstone, Hibiscus Coast

Selati @ Sea

"Daar is net op die oomblik te vel padwerke wat jou heeltemal omvergooi."

Uvongo, Hibiscus Coast

Laguna La Crete 38

"Love dit, die plek is skoon, en rustig. Weer was baie aangenaam toe ons hier was. Mooi strand, en plekkie vir visvang."

Port Shepstone, Hibiscus Coast

Umthunzi Hotel & Conference

"We didn't spend much time in Port Shepstone but enjoyed the walk on the beach. We never felt unsafe."

Uvongo, Hibiscus Coast

Glyndale Sands 102

"All amenities were close by. Roads need some attention. A good holiday destination."

Margate, Hibiscus Coast

Boulevard 308

"Great place. Coming back soon to visit."

Uvongo, Hibiscus Coast

Astove 6

"Pragtige strand."

Margate, Hibiscus Coast

Margate Granada 104

"Sal beslis weer besoek."

Margate, Hibiscus Coast

Dajana 4

"Weer was lieflik, mense was vriendelik."

Uvongo, Hibiscus Coast

Laguna La Crete 227

"Uvongo beach closed due to e-coli in water."

Margate, Hibiscus Coast

Seabrook Apartment 402

"Best place to spend your holiday in."

Margate, Hibiscus Coast

Ivungu Rust

"Dankie vir Tidy Towns wat die dorp weer netjies maak."

Margate, Hibiscus Coast

Nellelani 2

"Margate is nie meer wat hy was 20 jaar terug nie."

Uvongo, Hibiscus Coast

Laguna La Crete 9

"'n Pragtige dorpie met 'n mooi strand, heerlike eetplekkies en oulike roomyswinkel. Die strandmeer (wat direk agter die strand geleë is) se water ruik onaangenaam - ons vermoed dit is weens die oorstromings wat onlangs plaasgevind het. Ons hele gesin het 'n maagsiekte opgedoen - ons vermoed dit kon dalk van die strandmeer se vuil water in die see gewees het wat ons so siek gemaak het."

Uvongo, Hibiscus Coast

Laguna La Crete 47

"Ek is mal oor Uvongo. Dis lekker rustig met alles wat jy nodig het. Die strande is skoon en netjies."

Uvongo, Hibiscus Coast

Uvongo Sands 6

"Baie aangename plek."

Uvongo, Hibiscus Coast

Strandloper 3

"Mooi plek. Hoop nie dit verval soos soveel ander plekke nie."

Uvongo, Hibiscus Coast

Playa Del Mar 12

"Wonderful scenery, great beaches and store locations."

Margate, Hibiscus Coast

Chesapeak 54

"Wonderful place to stay in."

Margate, Hibiscus Coast

Casa Del Sol

"Margate het baie agter uitgegaan, ek onthou die dorp as van die besigste en lekkerste plek om te gaan vakansie hou. Ons het ver moontlik uit die dorp gebly, baie gewilde winkels was leeg, moontlik deur Covid veroorsaak. Baie hartseer!"

Uvongo, Hibiscus Coast

Beau Vista no 4

"Excellent holiday destination."

Margate, Hibiscus Coast

Seabrook Apartment 701

"Heelwat nabye strande kan ook besoek word - beurtkrag is natuurlik vir almal 'n kopseer."

Uvongo, Hibiscus Coast

Vinkel 5

"Riolering blyk oral in die Manabe/Margate/Uvongo omgewing 'n probleem te wees; heelwat dreine wat oorloop, ens. Maar die strand by Manaba was skoon en heerlik."

Uvongo, Hibiscus Coast

Uvongo Cabanas 1B

"Beste strand, kom gereeld hierheen."

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