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Panorama Route

Al die resensies is deur LekkeSlaap-gaste geskryf wat in Panorama Route bespreek het

Hierdie plek het 'n gemiddeld van 4.5 uit 5 gekry volgens 1661 resensies.


Morgenzon Trout Farm

"Asemrowend mooi."

Kaapsehoop, Panoramaroete

Silver Mist Guest House

"Klein dorpie, interessante mense, goeie kos, tyd staan stil. Sal weer en weer teruggaan."


La Granja

"A visit to Graskop Gorge Lift is well worthwhile and there are many nice restaurants in White River. Casterbridge Lifestyle Centre is great for a day's outing. Art galleries, lots of interesting shops and good restaurants."

Graskop, Panoramaroete


"Very small town, but peaceful."

Sabie, Panoramaroete

Floreat Riverside Lodge

"Loadshedding was really a nuisance and there is a lack of options when it comes to restaurants. But in general it is a friendly town."


La Granja

"Sadly the roads are in a bad state."

Kiepersol, Panoramaroete

Swallows House

"Not much in this area but close enough to do day trips on the Panorama route."

Kaapsehoop, Panoramaroete

Die Erf

"Baie lekker staproetes in die omgewing, besoeke van die perde ook baie welkom."


Thaba Tsweni Lodge

"Excellent road. I was impressed but poor ablution facilities at places of interest. They leave a bad taste for holidaymakers."

Kaapsehoop, Panoramaroete

Cabin & Cottage Kaapsehoop

"Moenie Kaapschehoop toe gaan as jy Dullstroom of Clarens verwag nie. Dis klein en privaat sonder horde winkels en eet- of drinkplekke. Bohemian Groove is 'n wonderlikke eetplek en Salvador se drankies is baie goed geprys. Gaan Kaapschehoop toe met 'n dik boek, stapstewels en baie rooiwyn."


Mount Sheba Rainforest Hotel and Resort

"Some of the facilities at the viewpoints were in terrible condition. At the Bourke's Luck Potholes we paid the most per person for an entry fee and the bathrooms and overall cleanliness were terrible. Also no one in the museum at all, just felt not looked after or cared for and we wondered what the entry fee charged is being used for. The natural beauty of the area and the route is so amazing and a must-see for international travelers and South African travelers itineraries and it would be a shame to see this change due to the neglect we observed."

Sabie, Panoramaroete

Oom Gawie se Plek

"Vir mense wat die natuur geniet is dit 'n absolute moet gaan. Al die mooi watervalle in en om Sabie."

Sabie, Panoramaroete

Sabi Falls Accommodation

"Sabie is a beautiful place with very friendly people."

Sabie, Panoramaroete

49 on Main

"Sabie is a gem. It holds so much potential and is often overlooked. We enjoyed our stay in Sabie and prefer it over some other towns in the area. The locals are also very friendly. Had a great time here!"

Kaapsehoop, Panoramaroete

Green Venus Guest House

"Pragtig dorpie. Verseker 'n plek om te besoek. Sal graag meer as een aand wou bly."


Dullstroom Country Cottages

"This was the most beautiful venue I have seen in a very long time. Photos do not even top this place. We had a blast and we got engaged at the beautiful waterfall and would most definitely be going back. "

Kiepersol, Panoramaroete

Swallows House

"It's a beautiful part of South Africa!"


Panorama Guest Farm

"As gevol van die baie reën was die pad weggespoel."

Graskop, Panoramaroete

Kloofsig Holiday Cottages

"Graskop is a great place to visit, would definitely go again."

Graskop, Panoramaroete

Mogodi Lodge

"Lots to see and do!"

Kaapsehoop, Panoramaroete

Bohemian Garden Cottages

"Duur vir gewone ZA reisigers."

Sabie, Panoramaroete

Riverside Bungalows Sabie

"Riverside bungalows were close to all the adventures and places we wanted to visit. The Sabie Information office must be advertised more for tourists. We visited 2 other information offices that were closed down and eventually got to the right one. The potholes in Sabie and surrounding places must be looked at, please."

Kiepersol, Panoramaroete

Poinsettia Family Cottage

"Dis net baie besig oor Desembertyd."

Pelgrimsrus, Panoramaroete

Mona Cottage

"Die dorpie is nou weer goed versorg en beslis die moeite werd om te besoek. Dis baie sentraal in die toeriste-area en jy kan van hier af al die plekke besoek as dagbesoeker. Baie karaktervol - wens al die geboue kon hul stories vertel."

Sabie, Panoramaroete

The Loft

"Lieflike plek om te besoek en soveel om te sien. Natuurskoon en rustig. 10/10!"

Sabie, Panoramaroete

Thandamanzi Self-catering

"Might be ok if no load shedding. Museum closed, and the post office was rude (the clerk took stamps 'home', while she asked us to come back at 2 pm. She left her colleague flabbergasted). Nice restaurants and 3 waterfalls to visit."

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