Verified Reviews
South Coast
All reviews have been left by LekkeSlaap customers staying in South Coast
Rated 4.4 out of 5 based on 2313 reviews.
"A relaxed Shelly Beach has the facilities/malls of the larger towns. Oribi Gorge was the highlight of the area. The restaurants and eateries really did surprise. Good food. We visited Breakers (seafood), Schooners (eisbein and fish), Jaxx (pizza best ever), the Green Chillie (Indian curry). Ski boat club/area provides access to charters for fishing etc. Good destination to explore the bottom portion of the south coast. "
"My first visit, will see us again, and want to play the golf courses and visit all restaurants next time."
"Ramsgate het twee swemstrande. Ramsgate is baie stiller as Margate, en weg van die vreeslike gewoel, maar tog naby genoeg ─ 3 km."
Margate North Beach, South Coast
Mont Blanc 29"Manaba Beach is nader en baie lekkerder, skoner en minder mense."
"Hibberdene is een van die lekkerste swemstrande - enige mens wat nog nie daar was nie, mis uit op iets groot en kies dan sommer Hibberene River Resort. Excellent diens en jy verdien 'n blaaskans in stilte en `n veilige resort!"
"A bit far from shopping and things to do for teenagers. Otherwise it was fine."
"It is a lovely town with everything close by to make your holiday experience unforgettable. "
"Blouvlag, wat kan ek sê en dit is presies wat dit was. Heerlike plek om te wees. Strand is skoon, veilig en genoeg plek vir almal en hul sambrele. "
"We enjoyed it so much, but in future it will be lovely to have a Minitown with toys for children to play."
"Die strand is awesome, lekker groot branders en sagte seesand. Daar is 'n Wimpy by die strand. November is 'n slegte maand - reënseisoen. Die werkers is onregverdig, die swembad mag nie gebruik word nie, daar is glo nie Chloor nie, maar as daar klomp taxi's stop, sluit hul die swembad oop en dan is dit ook onplesierig op die strand. Bly ons gunsteling strand."
"Ifafa Beach is a very small town with not much there and you unfortunately can't swim at the beach because there are rocks. I would suggest you go to one of the neighbouring towns like Port Shepstone for example."
"Margate is beautiful, peaceful, the scenery. Going to make it a yearly trip going forward. King Fisher ideal for kids. I was happy, satisfied even my kids and hubby was. It left a wonderful memory to live with."