Starry Starry Night - Cape Town
Kliek op enige tarief om 'n meer volledige prysberekening te sien.
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- Rates displayed are on a self-catering basis.
Help us conserve natural resources by minimizing water and electricity use.
Use the appropriate containers for recycling.
Card transaction fees may not be refunded for cancellations or reversals.
Pets are not permitted.
The house is strictly smoke-free. Smoking is only permitted outside.
Exercise caution with fires and barbecues, especially on windy days.
Use fire extinguishers for emergencies and alert the owners or call 10111 immediately.
Do not leave fires unattended.
Drones may only be used with an appropriate license and approval from the owners and local council. Misuse or complaints may result in a prohibition of drone activity.
Maintain the peaceful ambiance by avoiding loud music or disturbances.
Management and staff of Starry Starry Montagu PTY LTD are not liable for any loss, damage, injury, or illness occurring on the property.
Notify us via email as soon as possible to postpone your stay. A postponement fee may apply.
Meer as 1 maand voor die inkloktyd | 50%van die deposito word terugbetaal |
Meer as 2 weke voor die inkloktyd | 25%van die deposito word terugbetaal |
Minder as 2 weke voor die inkloktyd | 0%van die deposito word terugbetaal |
- Kapasiteit: 6 mense
- Alle ouderdomme is welkom
Inkloktyd: 14:00 tot 19:00
Uitkloktyd: 10:00 - Adres: Richmond-weg 2, Drieankerbaai, 8005, Wes-Kaap
Welkom by LekkeSlaap
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