Verified Reviews
Kruger National Park South
All reviews have been left by LekkeSlaap customers staying in Kruger National Park South
Rated 4.6 out of 5 based on 2235 reviews.
Marloth Park, Kruger National Park South
Buffalo Chalets Marloth Park"Diere behoort nie gevoer te word nie, want mense voer hulle sommer enige iets te ete. Van die grondpaaie is in ’n swak toestand vir mense met motors."
Marloth Park, Kruger National Park South
515 on Warthog by the River"Great spot if you have a family to be able to stay for longer at a fairly affordable price. We enjoyed our stay."
Marloth Park, Kruger National Park South
Kruger Kumba Lahlekile Nathi"Die beste rusplek wat ek al ooit gesien het."
Marloth Park, Kruger National Park South
Lionsview Private Lodge - 4 Lions, 4 Sleeper"Steeds my nr. 1 blyplek as ons jaarliks die Wildtuin besoek. Die paaie is wel baie slegter as vorige jare en die winkels is maar duur, maar die slaghuise is oulik en goed geprys. Ons het steeds 'n heerlike tyd gehad!"
Marloth Park, Kruger National Park South
Kudus Crest Bush Retreat"We've been going to Marloth Park for many years and this year was very sad to see that there's actually too many animals and not enough food. We fed them, but there should be enough trees and grass for animals to eat naturally. Marloth Park will have to do something seriously about it because it looked bad and might take many years to get the trees and plants in the right state. There were many spots that looked dead, dry and over grazed. I really hope this can be fixed. Very sad to see."
Marloth Park, Kruger National Park South
Maningwe"Marloth Park is altyd ’n lekker rusplek. Al wat ek nou sien is dat daar baie huise gebou word."
Marloth Park, Kruger National Park South
Oppidraai"Ideaal geleë vir besoek aan die Krugerwildtuin en omliggende areas. Tydens ons besoek is daar gedurende die nag by vriende se huis ingebreek asook nog 'n ander huis terwyl mense geslaap het. Enkele gevalle, maar miskien iets om in gedagte te hou."
Marloth Park, Kruger National Park South
Kruger Cottage"Dit is n spesiale plek en besonders. Selfs om nagapies so van naby te aanskou was wonderlik. Ons het selfs ’n bosbokfamilie met ’n baba gehad wat ons tuin besoek het."
Marloth Park, Kruger National Park South
1078 Wildgoose Road"Hulle sal iets moet doen om die klein misdade te stop."
Marloth Park, Kruger National Park South
Marloth Wild Fig"Ons geniet die vrylike beweeg van diere regoor die park."
Marloth Park, Kruger National Park South
Hornbill's Nest Tree Top chalets"Die paaie is in baie goeie kondisie, ons kon daar ry met ons kar. Baie dankie dat hulle die paaie reg gemaak het."
Marloth Park, Kruger National Park South
Mopani Villa"Was surprised to see how much rubble was in the streets."
Marloth Park, Kruger National Park South
Martys Place"A great family experience with no hidden nonsense. We got what we were promised, all good."
Marloth Park, Kruger National Park South
Klein Paradys"So lekker gekuier, diere wat so mak is het dit 'n wonderlike ervaring gemaak met klein kinders."
Marloth Park, Kruger National Park South
Simcha Lodge"Ons is mal oor Marlothpark en sal beslis weer gaan!"
Marloth Park, Kruger National Park South
Doringpoort: Delagoadoring"Tans is Marlothpark se grondpaaie bietjie in 'n slegte toestand vir 'n gewone voertuig, rybaar maar teen slakkepas."
Marloth Park, Kruger National Park South
Magani Ridge"Behalwe vir die trokke wat in die aande daardeur jaag en die vreeslike baie loadshedding was alles lekker gewees."
Marloth Park, Kruger National Park South
1815 Seekoei"The rangers are amazing and do so such not for just the animals, but for us humans too."
Marloth Park, Kruger National Park South
Into Africa Cottage"Alles wat mens nodig het, is beskikbaar met vele diere om te sien."
Marloth Park, Kruger National Park South
Evert-Rust"Love the place and the pleasure of seeing roaming animals."
Marloth Park, Kruger National Park South
Absolute Safari Guest Lodge"Sal Marlothpark aanbeveel vir enige persoon wat uit die stad wil kom."
Marloth Park, Kruger National Park South
Doringpoort: Delagoadoring"Fantastiese atmosfeer en heerlik gekuier. Die bos en alles in Marlothpark het sommer onder mens se vel ingekruip. Kan nie wag vir die volgende besoek nie."