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Geverifieerde Resensie

Western Cape

Al die resensies is deur LekkeSlaap-gaste geskryf wat in Western Cape bespreek het

Hierdie plek het 'n gemiddeld van 4.6 uit 5 gekry volgens 38192 resensies.

Darling, Wes-Kaap

Maison de L’amour

"It is a great place to spend a weekend, with lots on offer to fill your day."

Knysna, Wes-Kaap

Belvidere White House

"Beautiful, peaceful hideaway."

Stilbaai, Wes-Kaap

Otos House

"Stilbaai en omliggende omgewing het ongelooflike mooi, skoon strande wat dit ideaal maak vir die wat hou van 'n see-vakansie met swem, visvang, hengel, walvisse besigtig, roei en strandloop. Ons het die Indiese Oseaan se water selfs laat in April nog heeltemal verwelkomend gevind."

Arniston, Wes-Kaap

Arniston Spa Hotel

"Arniston is beslis 'n dorpie om te besoek en te oornag."

Agulhas, Wes-Kaap

Marine 115

"Dis baie pragtig en mense is baie vriendelik."

Yzerfontein, Wes-Kaap

Dolfin House

"Pragtige klein dorpie met oulike winkels waar mens kan rondsnuffel."

George, Wes-Kaap

Mrs Catherines Self-Catering Apartment

"Pragtig skoon en diens is goed."

McGregor, Wes-Kaap

Yellowstone Cottages

"McGregor is a lovely town if you want to go and rest. It is very small and quiet."

Velddrif, Wes-Kaap

Fisherman's Rest

"Restaurants like KFC and McDonald's are not available, but it's a nice and quiet place."

Oudtshoorn, Wes-Kaap


"Oudtshoorn is a peaceful place to get away from the busy city life. For me after a week, I'm looking to be back home."

Mosselbaai, Wes-Kaap


"Baie mooi, geen beurtkrag, Afrikaans en skoon."

Napier, Wes-Kaap

Gunner's Lodge

"Napier is a good destination for people that are young and healthy but for those that have disabilities, there is a lot of stair climbing to get to businesses and restaurants. At present they are also experiencing excessive loadshedding as well as unscheduled power outages which is impacting all the businesses. There are also several of the businesses that have closed in the area due to various factors. Otherwise, we had an enjoyable stay."

Mosselbaai, Wes-Kaap

Seaview Lodge

"Definitief die moeite werd."

Paternoster, Wes-Kaap

Sugar Shack

"Loved the visit."

Velddrif, Wes-Kaap

Moonlight @ Port Marina

"Peaceful and uncommercialised, one of the true West Coast towns left where you can genuinely experience West Coast hospitality in its purest form."

Beaufort-Wes, Wes-Kaap

17 On Bird Guest House

"Pragtige, rustige dorp met pragtige ou geboue."

Bettysbaai, Wes-Kaap

Listening Wind Self-catering

"Beautiful and very peaceful!"

Prins Albert, Wes-Kaap

The Karoo Prinia

"Wat 'n mooi, goed gerestoureerde dorp met verskeie aantreklikhede en uitstappies. Goed versorg en met 'n wêreldklasmuseum."

Witsand, Wes-Kaap

Pole Pole Self Catering Holiday Home

"Friendly community, safe and suitable for the whole family."

Boland, Wes-Kaap


"Sal altyd weer die Boland besoek!"

Langebaan, Wes-Kaap


"Langebaan is beslis my voorkeurvakansiebestemming."

George, Wes-Kaap


"'n Dorp wat meer soos 'n stad is. Skoon en alles werk!"

Calitzdorp, Wes-Kaap

Bella de Karoo

"Ons het heerlik gekuier en geëet. Fietsroetes ook ongelooflik mooi."

Kaapstad, Wes-Kaap

Panorama Cottage

"There is not a lot of places where one can have cocktails right on the beach. And why are there so many squatters?"

McGregor, Wes-Kaap

Betty Boop Kothuis

"Dit is 'n plek waar mens kan kom agteroorsit en ontspan en die stilte kan geniet."

Paternoster, Wes-Kaap

Nostri House

"Limited amenities e.g quad biking etc."

Blad 38 - Wys 1111 tot 1140
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