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Wild Coast

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Hierdie plek het 'n gemiddeld van 4.4 uit 5 gekry volgens 1176 resensies.

Boesmansriviermond, Wildekus

River Cottage

"Beautiful holiday destination."

Oos-Londen, Wildekus

Gonubie Beach Retreat

"Had some nasty weather days. We really should've stayed longer to enjoy the beach!"

Oos-Londen, Wildekus

Farm @ The Sea

"Verskeie kusdorpies om te verken. Gonubie was ons gunsteling."

Port Alfred, Wildekus

Panoramic Beach House

"Die ou dorpie self is beslis besig om agteruit te gaan. Dis maar morsig en onversorg. Die informele gekuier langs die rivier naby Port Alfred Sands is ook nie lekker nie. Daar is party dae nie plek om verby te kom strand toe - met al die mense en motors wat daar staan nie."

Oos-Londen, Wildekus

Bayview Seafront Apartment

"Gonubie is 'n uitstekende vakansiebestemming. Ons het na Oos-Londen gery vir 'n daguitstappie, maar was baie teleurgestel oor die algemene swakkerige toestand van die stad."


Transkei Beach Cottages

"The roads are shocking, especially after rain."

Oos-Londen, Wildekus


"Gonubie en ander gebiede soos Morgansbaai baie aangenaam, maar Oos-Londen vuil en verwaarloos. Sal verseker nie daar gaan bly nie."

Port Alfred, Wildekus

Richmond House Cottages

"Lovely place for a holiday."

Oos-Londen, Wildekus

17 Coogee Bay Beachfront Apartment

"Baie groen en aangename mense!"

Port St Johns, Wildekus

La La Palms

"Just a great place to get away."

Oos-Londen, Wildekus

Hoylake Inn

"East London city is run down and stuck in a time warp. There has hardly been any development in the city since I left in 1978."

Kenton-on-Sea, Wildekus

Woodlands Cottages and Camping

"We enjoyed our stay and we are thinking of coming back again."

Oos-Londen, Wildekus

The Birdhouse

"Mal oor Gonubie. "

Stutterheim, Wildekus

The Manderson Hotel & Conference Centre

"On previous visits to Stutterheim it was evident that the town was run down and unkempt. This visit however was different. The streets were clean and tidy. The town is actually pretty!"

Glengariff, Wildekus

Shipwreck View

"Wonderful hidden gem."

Koffiebaai, Wildekus

Hole in the Wall Resort

"It's beautiful except the roads are very dangerous. Not only is it rough corrugated roads, but we shared the roads with all types of animals as well. This was the beauty of seeing the animals just moving swiftly over the roads or lazing in the sun."

Oos-Londen, Wildekus

Seaside Shambali

"Nie Oos-Londen self besoek nie, maar beslis baie om te sien en te doen volgens info."

Oos-Londen, Wildekus


"Lyk regtig of hulle moeite doen."

Oos-Londen, Wildekus

Seaside Shambali

"Has gone backwards since my last visit."

Port Alfred, Wildekus

Bonsai Cottage

"It is a cosy and clean town, my daughter enjoyed the kids beach."

Kenton-on-Sea, Wildekus

Dunwerkin Self-catering Accommodation

"Kenton does need to tar it's roads otherwise always a great place to holiday!"

King Williams Town, Wildekus

Panorama Guest House

"KWT is the heart of the Eastern Cape Province housing the headquarters Bisho-the provincial administration and legislature base. It links all provinces when you travel to Durban, Cape Town, or Gauteng. Small town but well kept. All your needs are met by the local businesses."

Port Alfred, Wildekus

Bretton Beach Crest Holiday Cottages

"Dink Port Alfred is 'n awesome dorpie. Sal definitief weer gaan vakansie hou daar."

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