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LekkeSlaap blog


OPTOG! ’n Handjievol vrae vir Elvis Blue

Oor die volgende tien maande neem OPTOG! die land én die KykNet-kassie op horings. Met twee roomyskleurige kombi’s gaan dié teater-troebadoergroep Suid-Afrika deurkruis en gróót vermaak na klein dorpies bring. Ou dorpsteaters sal dan opnuut glinster en plattelanders hoef nie meer die groot stad aan te durf om die groot name te sien nie, want […]

Have you been to the most Instagrammable places in SA?

We love capturing that perfect picture and sharing it on social media, but do you know where the most Instagrammable places in South Africa are? Recently Big 7 Travel investigated the top spots in SA where the most Instagrammed pictures have been taken. Let’s take a look at the top provinces in South Africa and […]

Die Beste in die Weste: Best Western Cape Suites Hotel

Die res van die wêreld se Best Westerns mag dalk dink hulle kraai koning, maar die beste in die weste is beslis ’n Kaapse ding. LekkeSlaap het onlangs op ’n woeste winderige dag in die Moederstad ’n draai by die Best Western Cape Suites Hotel in Zonnebloem gaan maak. Tot die vroeë 19de eeu was […]

Say Yes To Inner-City Weddings!

Have you ever wondered why we get married in a white dress? Contrary to popular belief, it’s not to symbolise purity (well, not entirely), but rather the fact that Queen Victoria was quite the fashion icon. A white dress was a sign of opulence and wealth in Western cultures. Before 1840, brides would wear different […]

9 Plekke, 3 Provinsies, 1 Paasnaweek: Waarheen gaan jy?

Soos gesien op Maroela Media. Die somervakansie is nog vars in ons geheue, maar nog voor jy jou strandhanddoek finaal kan wegpak, is Paasnaweek al weer hier! Weet jy al in watter rigting jou voertuig mik? Of sukkel julle steeds om op ’n bestemming te besluit? Rol af en loer gerus na dié handjievol bestemmings […]

LekkeSlaap’s Guide to a Chocoholic’s Heaven

“All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.”  ― Charles M. Schulz Valentine’s Day is sneaking its cupid wings around the corner and all you see is white and red decorations, teddy bears and heart-shaped chocolates everywhere you look. Few things go together like chocolate and V’Day. What exactly […]

Gesinspret en Salige Weskusdae in Dwarskersbos

As jy soggens op jou stoep aan ’n koppie boeretroos teug, die vars Weskus-briesie aan jou vel voel streel en die branders in die verte hoor druis, wéét jy jy het ’n vreedsame vakansiebestemming gevind. Maar die jongspan benodig beslis meer as rus en vrede om ’n wegbreek te geniet! Daarom deel LekkeSlaap graag dié […]

Getaways in Gorgeous Gardens

The move back to the countryside and towards a more sustainable way of living has become more and more trendy, and recently this started spilling over into the travel industry. Whether you’re on board with this trend, love gardening, food or all of the above, you’ll be glad to hear we have quite a few […]

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