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LekkeSlaap blog


South Africa’s Goldest Oldest Places

The goldest and oldest of things in South Africa stand the test of time and, to date, tell us about our country’s rich history. From the oldest city and building to the oldest pub and theatre ─ South Africa definitely has a few secrets and stories to be discovered by you. That’s why LekkeSlaap delved […]

Winter-Wynproe met Peuselhappies in die Stellenboschvallei

Die winter is hier en die dae van op die strand lê moet ons ongelukkig eers uitstel. So, wat kan ’n mens in die Kaap doen wanneer die broodnodige reën op ons neersak? Al is boetiekbier en gin nou lekker gewild, stel ons ’n ou gunsteling voor ─ wynproe in die Stellenboschvallei! Wat dié ervaring […]

Kenton-on-Sea: Diere, Riviere en Strand-Avonture

Jy het seker al van Kenton-on-Sea aan die Sonskynkus gehoor? Dié deel van die Oos-Kaapse kus strek van Port Elizabeth tot Oos-Londen en word só genoem weens die lang sonskyndae. Buiten sonskyn is daar egter baie meer wat Kenton spesiaal maak ─ sy ligging tussen die Boesmans- en Kariegariviermondings bied legio swem-, bootvaart- en ander […]

Your Guide to the Mighty Fish River Canyon

It’s not often that you’re left speechless by a hole in the ground — but your breath will definitely be taken away by the magnificent Fish River Canyon in the south of Namibia. This natural phenomenon attracts thousands of visitors daily and I recently had the privilege of visiting this remarkable landmark. Photos fail to […]

6 Wonderskone Oos-Kaapse Dorpe wat Wink dié Winter

Dit begin al hoe vroeër donkerder word, die son begin meer en meer agter die wolke skuil, dis soggens omtrent ’n pyniging om onder jou snoesige komberse uit te klim, en dit voel asof jy jare gelede behóórlik vakansie gehou het  ─ ja, winter is sterk op pad! Sekere aspekte van dié koue seisoen voel […]

A Golfer’s Guide to the Garden Route

Besides beautiful beaches, lagoons, forests and adrenaline-filled adventures, the Garden Route also offers something for the more active among us ─ golf! With world-class golf courses such as Fancourt and Pezula, it’s no wonder this area attracts avid golfers from all across the globe. So, if you’re planning your next golfing getaway, include a few […]

5 Klowe en Kranse vir Kranige Klimmers

Daar skiet ’n koue rilling by jou ruggraat af, jou palms is klam en jou bene is die ene bewerasies. Verstrak staar jy na die mosbegroeide afgrond en glinsterende blou wat skielik baie verder lyk as met die opklimslag. Een oomblik baklei jy nog teen die hoogtevrees wat bly krap-krap aan jou gemoed, en dan, […]

4×4 Trails to Take on this Winter

Some holiday outings are synonymous with winter ─ cosy cottage stays in the mountains, game-viewing getaways to national parks, and of course taking on 4×4 trails. If lazy days and game viewing are not on the cards for you this winter, LekkeSlaap’s got just the thing to warm you up ─ 4×4 trails to test […]

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