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LekkeSlaap blog


Sustainable Travel Tips for South Africa

Travelling in our beautiful country makes it easy to forget that this awesome experience comes with a responsibility. Sustainable travel is all about environmentally friendly practices, the protection of natural and cultural heritage, and benefiting the communities hosting you. Though this might seem daunting, sustainability can be practiced in small and simple ways and even enrich […]

Vier Elke Seisoen in Hogsback

Die Kaap se somerwinde is vir sommige vakansiegangers nét te erg, KwaZulu-Natal voel soms soos ’n sauna sonder ’n deur en die wintervelde noord van die Vaalrivier is dalk net té vaal vir kranige kameramanne en -vroue. Só het elke streek maar ’n seisoen of twee wat minder vakansievriendelik is as die ander ─ of […]

Fun-filled Family Outings in Somerset West

Somerset West is probably best known for being home to Vergelegen ─ one of South Africa’s oldest and most renowned wine estates. However, there is so much more to this town. With the towering Hottentots Holland mountain range, excellent views over False Bay in the distance, and the Mother City only a short drive away, […]

Olifante: Afrika se Slim Reuse

Olifante is nie net die grootste lede van die Groot 5-klub nie, hulle staan ook hul plek vol in Suid-Afrika se kulturele bewussyn. Rotskunstenaars dokumenteer al vir duisende jare die aanwesigheid van olifante in Suid-Afrika, en danksy Dalene Matthee is ’n olifant, letterlik en figuurlik, een van die grootste figure in ons literatuurgeskiedenis. Wie sal […]

Ons Besing Suid-Afrika se Unieke Streke

Dis ’n splinternuwe jaar propvol hoop en avontuur! Al is jy tans platsak, is dit nooit té vroeg om jou volgende vakansie te beplan of ’n nuwe emmerskoplysie op te stel nie. Maar waar sal jy gaan kerjakker? Om jou weer aan ons land se droombestemmings te herinner, het LekkeSlaap ’n handjievol tydlose treffers opgespoor […]

The LekkeSlaap Team’s Travel Goals and Tips For 2018

The new year is always associated with bucket lists, resolutions and often over-ambitious expectations. ‘This year I’m finally climbing Everest ─ watch me!’ or ‘Forget about bills and adulting! I’m going on a Euro trip next month’. But let’s be realistic, unless you win the Lotto or gain abnormal fitness levels within a couple of […]

15 Instagrams that will inspire you to make 2018 a year of travel

The year that was collectively deemed “a bad year” is finally behind us. And there’s no better way to shake that 2017-feeling than by getting excited for 2018 and all its possibilities. That’s why we decided to round up 15 incredible Instagrams taken all over South Africa that will inspire you to make 2018 a year of […]

Troukapelle vir jou Spesiale Dag

Die orrel begin speel. Die bruidegom snak na asem waar hy voor die kansel staan. Geliefdes draai in hulle banke om en kyk na die silhoeët van die bruid wat in die deur verskyn. Iewers pink iemand se tannie ’n traan weg. Dan begin die prosessie in die gangetjie af beweeg, gevolg deur die reuk […]

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