If you’re heading to the Colour Me Crazy 5km run and Colour Festival, than you should definitely keep the below in mind to ensure you don’t ruin a t-shirt you loved, or get colourful corn flour in your eyes!

Glasses or goggles are mbl photo (Flickr)

  1. Glasses or goggles

As recommended by the Colour Me Crazy team, a pair of goggles or glasses will keep you happily tossing corn flour as you run, instead of stopping every few seconds to rub your itchy, irritated eyes. For this reason, glasses are highly advocated ahead of contact lenses, purely for the itch factor that will occur if you get powder in or around your eyes.

Dont take your favourite white shirt. By Mike Saechang (Flickr)

  1. A White T-shirt

A white t-shirt will definitely show all the fabulous colours getting thrown around, and also gives the colour run a Holi-festival atmosphere. However, it’s pretty hard to guarantee that the various colours will wash out of your t-shirt the first time round in the wash, so take an old t-shirt along, or purchase an official Colour Run t-shirt at the entry gate, so that you don’t ruin one of your own.

Colourful takkies at the end of the Colour Run. By Maxim B. (Flickr)

  1. Takkies

Since you’ll be running, a pair of takkies or trail shoes will come in handy, but again, don’t bring along your brand new, or favourite, pair. Instead, grab an old pair you were thinking of throwing out, or have nicely muddied up on a recent hike, and use those instead.

  1. A Cap

Since you’ll be out in the sun, it’s advisable to put a hat or cap on, to prevent your face burning, and to keep the top of your hair clean from the powder paint.

Getting colours everywhere is part of the fun. By tinney (Flickr)

  1. Sunblock

The Colour Festival team recommends rubbing lotion or oil onto your body, to ensure the colourful powders stick to you properly – and also so it’s easier to wash off later in the day. However, if you burn easily, then an oily sunscreen will work just as well.

Goggles and a bandana keep you smilng through the haze. By tinney (Flickr)

  1. A Bandana or Scarf

While you’ll be happily running about, you may need to open your mouth at some point – whether it’s to call out to a friend, or to cough because of the dust. Bring along a bandana to wrap around your nose and mouth, so you can breathe relatively easily, and avoid accidentally swallowing some of the flying paint.

  1. An old tarp or sheet

If you choose not to use the provided on-site showers at the end of the run, than please ensure you’ve brought along an old sheet or tarp to sit on in the car. If the colourful powders haven’t dried properly, you’ll be smearing them into your super-absorbent seats – and will certainly remember this festival well for several months.

Sunglasses and water. By tinney (Flickr)

  1. Water

Water is essential if you’ll be exerting yourself in the heat, so bring along at least a liter to quench your thirst once the run is done, and you can also use some of it to make yourself look presentable for the music festival that follows.

Colour festival fun and music, water and mayhem. By Anthony619 (Flickr)

Ensure Everyone Has Fun

Many of the people coming along to the colour run are here to enjoy the fun atmosphere and music festival afterwards – so if someone asks you not to pelt them with powder, do not decide to toss some at them anyway. You’ll likely get moered by their angry spouse or cousin, and for good reason. No really does mean no.

What will you bring along to the Colour Me Crazy Run?

Main image credited to Steven | Alan (Flickr)