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LekkeSlaap blog


Penguin Experience: Waggel saam met ’n pikkewyn by die Two Oceans Akwarium

Almal het ’n gunstelingdier en myne is ’n pikkewyn! Daar is iets besonders aan dié koddige verebondels wat nóg vis, nóg voël is en, soos mense, ’n klippie aan hul gekose lewensmaat gee om hul getrouheid te wys. Die Two Oceans Akwarium in Kaapstad het LekkeSlaap genooi om ’n Penguin Experience by te woon en […]

OPTOG! ’n Handjievol vrae aan Jo Black

Hierdie week reis die OPTOG!-kombi’s van Pretoria tot Vredendal en sterre soos Jo Black en Jak de Priester sluit by dié teater-troebadoer-toer aan ─ alles in die naam van vermaak! Jo Black tree op 30 Mei by die Guild-teater in Oos-Londen in die Oos-Kaap op en LekkeSlaap het aan hom ’n paar vrae gestel voor […]

5 Fun 4×4 Trails and Spectacular Stays across South Africa

As seen in Melomag. Is winter creeping up on you? Check out these five fun 4×4 trails and cosy stays to trump the chills and bring a few thrills. So, start your engines and let the adrenaline kick you into gear! Biedouw Valley 4×4 Route Clanwilliam, Western Cape You’ll find this valley hidden amongst the […]

Seeking Olive Schreiner: The Story of a Karoo Nomad

Schreiner wrote that the Karoo makes one realise “many so-called important things are really insignificant, so many insignificant things important.” So, when the city’s starless nights and cordial, cramped offices become too much, I try to recall the dusty solitude of the Karoo to gain some perspective. I learned this teleportation trick in my third […]

Wood-fired Waters in the Western Cape

As seen in Melomag. Just imagine lighting a fire in your splash pool. Yes, you read correctly! Forget about the normal, everyday hot tubs ─ wood-fired hot tubs are quickly becoming one of the most sought-after and unique amenities guests look for when booking a relaxing and romantic getaway. We’ve scoured the Western Cape in […]

Kinders van die wind: ’n Windpomp-wegbreeklysie

Soos gesien op Maroela Media. Die windpomp gaan soek miskien nie die wind nie, maar LekkeSlaap het vir seker die windpomp gevind! Maak jou gereed vir ’n fotovoetpad kruis en dwars oor die Karoovlaktes, want in dié blog spog ons met die sewe mooiste windpompe, elkeen uit die boeke, dwarsdeur Suid-Afrika tot in Namibië se […]

Which Holiday Destination Suits Your Personality Best?

There’s nothing worse than knowing you need a holiday and having enough of those precious leave days, but absolutely no idea where to go to recharge your batteries. Not to worry folks, LekkeSlaap did some research and came up with a great quiz to help you pinpoint your ideal holiday destination. Simply answer these easy […]

In Dorpe sonder Slotte: ’n Fietsrit vanaf Vishoek na Simonstad

“Ek bring vir jou blomme, ek gee jou genot, ek leen jou my bicycle sonder ’n slot,” sing Koos Kombuis op sy album Elke boemelaar se droom. Dié lirieke spreek van tipiese Koos-romanse en ek het lank oor dié bekende liedjie getob. Toe tref dit my: In ’n hedendaagse Suid-Afrika is die volmaakte vorm van […]

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