Geverifieerde Resensie
Western Cape
Al die resensies is deur LekkeSlaap-gaste geskryf wat in Western Cape bespreek het
Hierdie plek het 'n gemiddeld van 4.6 uit 5 gekry volgens 38192 resensies.
"As 'n fotograaf is ons baie lief vir Gansbaai-omgewing om daar te kom foto's neem."
"Difficult to find all the restaurants, and as with so many cases, the restaurant were pricy - best to cook and braai at home."
"New favourite place, quaint and laid-back and less trendy than Greyton in a good way. Close to Robertson for groceries as well as other attractions like the stunning Lords Wines and of course the Eseltjiesrus Donkey Sanctuary."
"A place where everything is a bit slower and more relaxed. Picturesque and wonderful for a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life."
"We did not have much time as we were meeting up with family in Paternoster so just went to the lighthouse and enjoyed that."
"It's where I was born and bred. I'm married to a Kimberlite, so I have to take my 2 children at least every 2 to 3 years and let them experience their father's hometown. Yes, George is the best, and will allways be the best."
"Hermanus is a favourite getaway with nature on your doorstep - there are wonderful beaches, the extraordinary Fernkloof Nature Reserve as well as the renowned Cliff Path. There are excellent restaurants and galleries as well as a beautiful wine route."
"Ry altyd net daar verby, was verras oor alles wat in Swellendam aangaan. Die koffiewinkels en ander winkeltjies was heerlik om te besoek. Orals was die personeel baie vriendelik, baie goeie ervaring gewees."
"Kaapstad is een van die beste plekke om te rus en ook terselfde tyd baie goed om plekke te verken."
"Ons het 'n paar restaurante besoek en was baie beïndruk. The Blue Goose se kos was fantasties - hulle val net in 'n duurder kategorie. Baardskeerdersbos en Marietjie se Pub & Grill is beslis 'n besoek werd. Ons het lekker staproetes gevolg en die natuur geniet."
"Dis 'n baie oulike dorpie, maar dit sou lekker gewees het met restaurante oop, maar ons verstaan dat hulle nie kan oop wees met te min toeriste nie."
"Aangesien dit Paasnaweek was was alles in Calitzdorp toe gewees, wat heeltemal verstaanbaar is."